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Miriam Leibowitz is a Jerusalem based artist.
Miriam specializes in inspirational, intuitive art. She creates mostly with chalk, and oil pastels, and sometimes also with mixed media or oil paints. Miriam believes in the power of art to lead us to healing, She uses a technique called scribble drawing where you “find” an image in a scribble and follow it to completion, letting the image that emerges speak from the unconscious.
Miriam is passionate about Torah, spirituality, personal growth, and creative self expression – all themes evoked in her artwork.
A dedicated mother of five, Miriam also facilitates parenting workshops and is married to Aaron Leibowitz, who is a rabbi and social activist in the heart of Jerusalem.
Disclaimer: please forgive me if there are spelling mistakes in my articles, I am somewhat dyslexic and even when i check and double check I don't catch all of the errors. I’ve decided not to let this disability hold me back. I believe I have something to say, spelling mistakes and all.

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